Small operating system made in assembly language
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218 lines
3.2 KiB

.model tiny
org 0100h
jmp tsr
offsets dd 0
db 2eh,0ffh,1eh
dw offsets
mov cs:feax,eax
in al,60h
cmp cs:isstate,1
jne nostate
cmp al,57
jne endof
mov cs:isstate,0
jmp endof
cmp al,68
je F10
cmp al,87
je F11
cmp al,88
je F12
mov eax,cs:feax
isstate db 0
infos db 40 dup (0)
mov ax,6000h
push ax
mov di,0100h
push di
db 0CBh
push ax di es
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset infos
mov ah,34
int 47h
mov al,cs:[di+7]
inc al
cmp al,9
jbe notabove
mov al,0
mov ah,0
int 47h
pop es di ax
jmp endof
mov cs:isstate,1
pop word ptr cs:fip
pop word ptr cs:fcs
pop dword ptr cs:ffl
mov cs:fesp,esp
push ds es
push word ptr cs:fip
push gs
push fs
push ss
push es
push ds
push word ptr cs:fcs
push dword ptr cs:fesp
push ebp
push edi
push esi
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
push eax
push dword ptr cs:ffl
push cs
push cs
pop es
pop ds
mov ah,26
int 47h
mov ah,2
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,4
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset reg
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
mov ah,21
mov cl,7
int 47h
mov ah,13
mov si,offset fla
int 47h
pop edx
mov cx,32
mov ah,11
int 47h
mov ah,5
int 47h
mov ah,10
int 47h
mov si,offset regs
mov bx,8+7
mov ah,21
mov cl,6
int 47h
mov ah,6
int 47h
cmp bx,8
jb nodr
pop edx
mov cx,32
jmp popo
mov ah,21
mov cl,1
int 47h
xor edx,edx
pop dx
mov cx,16
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,10
int 47h
mov ah,5
int 47h
push si
mov si,offset gr
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,8
int 47h
mov si,offset dr
mov ah,13
int 47h
pop si
add si,5
dec bx
jnz showallreg
mov ah,34
mov di,offset infos
int 47h
mov ah,25
mov bl,cs:infos
xor bh,bh
dec bl
int 47h
mov si,offset app
mov ah,13
int 47h
mov ah,32
mov bl,cs:infos
xor bh,bh
mov di,ax
dec di
mov cl,116
int 47h
pop es ds
cmp cs:isstate,0
jne waitt
mov ah,27
int 47h
pop es ds
push dword ptr cs:ffl
push word ptr cs:fcs
push word ptr cs:fip
jmp endof
reg db ' Etats des registres',0
fla db 'Eflags:',0
regs db 'EAX:',0
db 'EBX:',0
db 'ECX:',0
db 'EDX:',0
db 'ESI:',0
db 'EDI:',0
db 'EBP:',0
db 'ESP:',0
db ' CS:',0
db ' DS:',0
db ' ES:',0
db ' FS:',0
db ' GS:',0
db ' SS:',0
db ' IP:',0
gr db '(',0
dr db ')',0
app db 'Appuyez sur espace pour quitter...',0
ffl dd 0
fcs dw 0
fip dw 0
fesp dd 0
feax dd 0
end start