Small operating system made in assembly language
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.1 KiB

@echo off
echo Assembling file %1...
..\util\tasm %1.asm /m5/x/t
if errorlevel 1 goto end
if "%1"=="boot" goto boot
echo Linking file %1...
..\util\tlink %1.obj /x/t
if errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Copying file %1...
if "%1"=="video" goto video
if "%1"=="lpt" goto system
if "%1"=="keyboard" goto system
if "%1"=="mouse" goto system
if "%1"=="pic8259a" goto system
if "%1"=="timer" goto system
if "%1"=="drive" goto system
if "%1"=="joystick" goto system
if "%1"=="system" goto system
if "%1"=="setup" goto setup
copy ..\data\%1.exe>nul
goto end
echo Linking file %1...
..\util\tlink %1.obj /x
if errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Copying file %1...
..\util\exe2boot %1.exe
copy %1.bin ..\data\%1.bin>nul
goto end
type thin8x8.fnt>>
copy ..\data\%1.sys>nul
goto end
copy ..\>nul
goto end
if not exist *.bin goto exes
del *.bin
if not exist *.exe goto coms
del *.exe
if not exist *.com goto objs
del *.com
if not exist *.obj goto nobjs
del *.obj