Small operating system made in assembly language
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298 lines
7.8 KiB

model tiny,stdcall
option procalign:byte
include "..\include\mem.h"
include "..\include\divers.h"
include "..\include\cpu.h"
include "..\include\pci.h"
include "..\include\fat.h"
memorystart equ 0052h ;premier bloc de la mémoire
org 0h
header exe <"CE",1,0,0,offset exports,offset imports,offset section,offset start>
push cs
push cs
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
call biosprint,offset return
call biosprint,offset msg_memory
call biosprint,offset return
call biosprint,offset msg_memory_init
call mbinit
jc error
call biosprint,offset msg_ok
call biosprint,offset msg_memory_section
mov ax,cs
call mbloadsection,ax
jc error
call biosprint,offset msg_ok
call biosprint,offset msg_memory_jumps
jmp [dword ptr cs:pointer]
dw suite
dw memorystart
push cs
push cs
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
call biosprint,offset msg_ok
call biosprint,offset msg_video_init
call [cs:setvideomode],2
jc error
call [cs:clearscreen]
call [cs:print],offset msg_memory
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_memory_init
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_memory_section
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_memory_jumps
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_video_init
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_handler
;call installirqhandler
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect
call [cs:cpuinfo],offset thecpu
call [cs:setinfo],offset thecpu,offset temp
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
push offset temp
xor eax,eax
mov al,[]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.models]
push eax
mov al,[thecpu.stepping]
push eax
push offset thecpu.names
push offset thecpu.vendor
call [cs:print],offset msg_cpu_detect_inf
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci
call [cs:pciinfo],offset thepci
jc nopci
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
xor eax,eax
mov al,[thepci.maxbus]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_minor]
push eax
mov al,[thepci.version_major]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_info
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_enum
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
xor si,si
call [cs:getcardinfo],bx,cx,si,offset temp
jc stopthis
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).subclass]
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
push ax
call [cs:getpcisubclass]
push dx
push ax
mov al,[(pcidata offset temp).class]
xor ah,ah
push ax
call [cs:getpciclass]
push dx
push ax
push 4
push esi
push 4
push ecx
push 4
push ebx
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).device]
push eax
mov ax,[(pcidata offset temp).vendor]
push eax
call [cs:print],offset msg_pci_card
inc si
cmp si,7
jbe searchpci
xor si,si
inc cx
cmp cx,31
jbe searchpci
xor cx,cx
inc bx
cmp bx,16
jbe searchpci
jmp next
call [cs:print],offset msg_echec2
;call [cs:detectvmware]
;jne novirtual
;call [cs:print],offset msg_vmware
;call [cs:print],offset msg_flat
;call enablea20
;call flatmode
;xor ax,ax
;mov fs,ax
;mov esi,0100000h
;mov [dword ptr fs:esi],"OKIN"
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_disk_init
call [cs:initdrive]
jc error2
call [cs:print],offset msg_ok2
call [cs:print],offset msg_launchcommand
call [cs:execfile],offset shell
jc error2
call [cs:print],offset msg_error2
call bioswaitkey
jmp far 0FFFFh:0000h
call biosprint,offset msg_error
call bioswaitkey
jmp far 0FFFFh:0000h
shell find <"COMMANDE.CE",0,0,0,1,>
thepci pciinf <>
thecpu cpu <>
temp db 256 dup (0)
return db 0dh,0ah,0
msg_memory db "Initialisation de la memoire",0
msg_memory_init db " -Creation du bloc primordial",0
msg_memory_section db " -Developpement des sections",0
msg_memory_jumps db "Redirection du systeme",0
msg_video_init db "Initialisation du pilote VIDEO",0
msg_handler db "Initialisation du gestionnaire d'interruption",0
msg_cpu_detect db "Dectection du processeur",0
msg_cpu_detect_inf db " -Fondeur : %0\l -Modele : %0\l -Revision : %u\l -Version : %u\l -Famille : %u\l -Technologies: %0\l",0
msg_pci db "Detection des systemes PCI",0
msg_pci_info db " -Version : %yB.%yB\l -Numero bus max: %u\l",0
msg_pci_enum db " -Enumeration des peripheriques PCI:\l"
db " | Vendeur | Modele |Bus |Dev.|Func|Classe.Sous-classe\l",0
msg_pci_card db " | 0x%hW | 0x%hW |%w|%w|%w|%0P.%0P\l",0
msg_vmware db "\c04 VMWare a ete detecte !!!\c07\l",0
msg_flat db "Initialisation du Flat Real Mode\l",0
msg_disk_init db "Initialisation du pilote DISQUE\l",0
msg_launchcommand db "Execution du SHELL\l",0
msg_error db " [Erreur]",0dh,0ah,"<Pressez une touche pour redemarrer le systeme>",0
msg_ok db " [ Ok ]",0dh,0ah,0
msg_error2 db "\h70 [\c04Erreur\c07]\g00,49<Pressez une touche pour redemarrer le systeme>",0
msg_ok2 db "\h70 [\c02 Ok \c07]\l",0
msg_echec2 db "\h70 [\c0CPasser\c07]\l",0
declare biosprinth
declare biosprint
declare mbinit
declare mbcreate
declare mbfree
declare mbclean
declare mbresident
declare mbnonresident
declare mbchown
declare mballoc
declare mbfind
declare mbfindsb
declare mbget
declare mbloadfuncs
declare mbsearchfunc
declare bioswaitkey
declare mbloadsection
declare enableirq
declare enableirq
declare readimr
declare readirr
declare readisr
declare seteoi
declare enablea20
declare disablea20
declare flatmode
declare installirqhandler
declare irqhandler
declare isenableirq
declare isrequestirq
declare isinserviceirq
declare savecontext
declare restorecontextg
use VIDEO,setvideomode
use VIDEO,clearscreen
use VIDEO.LIB,print
use DETECT.LIB,cpuinfo
use DETECT.LIB,setinfo
use DETECT.LIB,pciinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getcardinfo
use DETECT.LIB,getpcisubclass
use DETECT.LIB,getpciclass
use DETECT.LIB,detectvmware
use DISQUE,initdrive
use DISQUE,projfile
use DISQUE,execfile
include "mcb.asm"
include "8259a.asm"
dw offset mb0
dw offset mb1-offset mb0
db "SYSTEME",0
dw offset mb1
dw offset mb2-offset mb1
db "VIDEO",0
dw offset mb2
dw offset mb3-offset mb2
db "VIDEO.LIB",0
dw offset mb3
dw offset mb4-offset mb3
dw offset mb4
dw offset mb5-offset mb4
db "DISQUE",0
dd 0
includebin "video.sys"
includebin "..\lib\video.lib"
includebin "..\lib\detect.lib"
includebin "disque.sys"